The Digital Innovation HUB TECHNICOM (DIH TECHNICOM) has been gradually developing (from January 2018 till August 2020) with significant support of the MIDIH project.
The DIH TECHNICOM is a Regional Industrial DIH at TUKE (Technical University of Košice), established as the specific workplace of the University Science Park TECHNICOM (which is a university-wide organizational unit of the TUKE – established as an Innovation and Technology transfer HUB).
This background and organizational position of the DIH TECHNICOM enables it to make full use of the innovative potential of the USP TECHNICOM ecosystem and adequate access to the university R&D ecosystem in its activities and services.

DIH TECHNICOM at TUKE, in line with its mission, provides “one-stop-shop marketplace” services aimed at:
- Raising awareness of the importance of the development and implementation concepts of the I4.0 strategy.
- Accelerating smart “digital” innovation in industrial areas that fall within TUKE’s main R&D competences. In this sense, DIH services support a collaborative approach for:
- Transfer and application results of R&D in practice;
- Ensuring access to technology, business, and knowledge support for research, development, and innovation industrial projects, and activities of its clients.
All activities support national, European, and international cooperation aimed at developing solutions for “The state-of-the-art” concepts of “smart” I4.0 strategies, to which accessible assets of the MIDIH ecosystem makes a significant contribution.
Important for the DIH TECHNICOM is active collaboration with the Prototyping and Innovation Centre (PaIC), which is partners’ workshops of USP TECHNICOM, allocated at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of TUKE. PaIC ensuring the active performance of the Robotic DIH whose development is currently supported by the H2020-RIMA project, 824990, “Robotics for Infrastructure Inspection and Maintenance”.
Similarly, the TUKE is represented in the H2020 project AI4EU, 825619 „A European AI on Demand Platform and Ecosystem“, via relevant departments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), which are part of the Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics TUKE. With the support of the project, the „Slovak AI meetup“ platform was created and currently serves also for organization of professional seminars and discussions on AI topics.
The close cooperation between the presented „digital“ innovation institutes significantly supports the European dimension, multidisciplinary, and holistic approach of DIH TECHNICOM activities at the TUKE environment.
WHAT IS Digital Innovation HUB (DIH)
Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) are not-for-profit one-stop-shops that support companies, notably SMEs, and the public sector in their digital transformation. At the core of the DIH there is usually a Research & Technology Organization (RTO) or university unit that offers collaboration with partners relevant services.
The Technical University of Košice with its Competence Center for Innovation in Production Systems in Industry and Services has obtained the status of Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) as a part of the MIDIH project (Horizon 2020).
DIH TECHNICOM in the interactive JRC DIH catalogue: s3platform-legacy.jrc.ec.europa.eu
DIH Technicom services and products support digital transformation processes guarantee the corresponding “smart” concepts of the I4.0 strategy in production processes and services. These, bearing in mind their focus and impacts, are built on the portfolio of services of the innovative USP TECHNICOM ecosystem and contribute to its improvement and expansion.
On the DIH services
DIH Technicom services can be classified, in accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission, following two models:
- BEST model – Busines, Ecosystem, Skills, Technologies;
- Model supported for so-called “European DIHs (EDIH)”, which promotes four categories of services. There is with an appropriate link between the two classification models – as indicated next:
NOTE. DIH Technicom services are basically implemented as:
- Mediation or brokerage services supported by appropriate expertise, consultation, monitoring and coaching, surveys, analyzes and knowledge transfer services, both in the national and European environment;
- Project services and engineering services supporting both, internal and corresponding external projects, contracts and activities;
- Technologically specific services (Technological competences).
Technological competences:
- Cyber physical systems / Internet of Things ;
- Smart and autonomous systems;
- Artificial Intelligence and cognitive systems;
- Simulation and modelling;
- Data mining, big data, database management;
- Software as a service and data driven reference architectures;
- Cloud computing, Edge computing.
1. (T), Test before invest – design, testing and verification of innovative technologies, digital transformation and automation of optimized production systems;
2. (S), Forming and building the required knowledge and skills / human resources development (Skills and training);
3. (B), Identification, access, and business support in obtaining new sources of funding (Support to find investments);
4. (E), Collaborative links to the national and European innovation ecosystems and networking; (Innovation ecosystem & networking); having focus to enable the acquisition and exploitation of new knowledge and technology through the network support via W2W cooperation for domestic SMEs, companies and public institutions with relevant national and foreign R&D, technology and innovation partner institutions and companies, both in public and commercial sectors.
One Stop Shop
Services provided with the support of the USP TECHNICOM ecosystem (links to European classification models are stated in the brackets):
- Formation of ecosystems, scouting, mediation, (4 E);
- Collaborative research and development in relevant areas (1.T);
- Testing and validation of concepts and prototype solutions (1.T);
- Relevant USP/TUKE incubator/accelerator support (3. B);
- Support for business acceleration in line with I4.0 strategy (3. B);
- Facilitating access to suitable investment resources (3. B);
- Education and development of skills in the areas concerned, protection of Intellectual Property (2. S);
- Support for awareness about the importance of Digital Transformation in “smart” solutions and “Awareness creation” (1.T).
The base collection of specific DIH Technicom services is built on products developed and implemented in the MIDIH project or is following the services that were inspired by the project and their processing in the TUKE environment was partially supported in the project.
Want to know more about DIH services or have other questions?
Video collaboration services

More on course
Service created as part of the MIDIH project.
Area: Collaboration tools (Information technologies)
Short description: The course introduces collaboration possibilities for companies and individuals with the goal of streamlining the work and enable the digital transformation using also video technology. Participants will gain the hands-on skills using video conferencing technology while using different scenarios.
Main topics:
– Introduction to video conferencing technologies
– On the live broadcasting
– Hands-on videoconferencing
– Advantages of using multimedia archives
– Video conferencing technology in the business
Required skills: Basic knowledge of IT
Target group: Individuals, SMEs, universities
Course length: Based on the agreement (6 meetings per 45 minutes)
Interested in the course?
Book a meeting with D. CYMBALAK
+421 55 602 3602
Augmented Reality (AR) for manufacturing digital transformation

More on course
More information on the course is also avaiable at USP TECHNICOM website ⧉.
Service created as part of the MIDIH project.
Area: Augmented reality (Information technologies)
Short description: As a part of the course the SMEs are introduced with the opportunities to increase the productivity and optimize the processes of the business through the introduction of new digital skills that will help in the digital transformation of the company.
Main topics:
– increase the sales of products and services
– utilization of AR in maintenance of the equipment
– data collection from the equipment (production)
Required skills: Basic knowledge of IT
Target group: Individuals, SMEs, large enterprises
Course length: Based on the agreement (6 meetings per 60 minutes)
Interested in the course?
Book a meeting with I. NOVAKOVA
+421 55 602 3651
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Slovakia – Benefits and use

More on course
More information on the course is also avaiable at USP TECHNICOM website ⧉.
Service created as part of the MIDIH project.
Area: Intellectual property rights (Law)
Short description: The course focuses on IPR and emphasized its necessity in SMEs. The primary focus of the course are the conditions of IPR in the Slovak environment.
Main topics:
– Introduction to IPR
– IPR in SME
– How does IPR affect business in Slovakia?
– What is the cost of the IRP?
– IRP and R&D – who owns the research outputs?
– How does IPR affect the multi-level collaboration research?
Required skills: Basic knowledge of SME operation
Target group: Individuals, SMEs, universities
Course length: Based on the agreement (3 meetings per 60 minutes)
Interested in the course?
Book a meeting with P. CIZMAR
+421 55 602 2250
IoT for Manufacturing

More on course
More information on the course is also avaiable at USP TECHNICOM website ⧉.
Service created as part of the MIDIH project.
Area: Internet of Things (Information technologies)
Short description: Courses introduces the topic of Internet of Things (IoT) and further develops the idea of its utilization in the Manufacturing processes. Understanding on the proper and effective utilization of the IoT within the company, being SME or large enterprise, enables to start or speed-up existing digital transformation processes.
Main topics:
– introduction to IoT
– on the IoT devices
– collection of relevant data for IoT
– IoT software tools
– machine learning and IoT
– success stories of successful utilization of IoT by the SMEs
Required skills: Basic knowledge of IT, Basic understanding of manufacturing processes
Target group: Self-employed individuals, students SMEs, large enterprises
Course length: Based on the agreement (4 meetings per 60 minutes)
Interested in the course?
Book a meeting with M. MICHALKO
+421 55 602 7080
Services and products developed in the MIDIH project
Collaboration Platforms – DIH4Industry (in progress)
MIDIH Open Source Platform
Methodologies – Support for EDIH competence areas 1&2
Demonstrators & Experiments – Support for EDIH competence areas 1&2.
More about services and products developed in MIDIH project will be described after the final project review..

Success Stories
DIH Technicom also plays a significant role in the training and supervision of the relevant “start-up” and “spin-off” companies involved in the TUKE Business Acceleration Program. Three successful “technology providers” SMEs from this program are stated next: RE-CA s.r.o. (Start-up, SME); CEELABS s.r.o., (Spin-off, SME) and Innovates s.r.o. (Start-up, SME).

Improving the productivity of the production process: RE-CA
RE-CA (Start-up SME) https://re-ca.com/ – The main goal is the development and implementation of CPS/IoT based end-to-end customized systems for monitoring, control, alerting and efficient workforce allocation in industrial production.
Technology end-user/SME Lekos s.r.o. http://lekos.sk/ : The focus is on the design and manufacturing of specialized machines and appliances for the food industry focused mainly on confectionery and pastry.
Client (end-user) needs: After realised project (“first phase” of the digital transformation): Moving to paperless management, effective and precise workforce and resource planning their tracking and allocation are key steps of the transformation process that has developed interesting progress in productivity.
Provided solution to meet the needs :
After realized of this “first phase” of the digital transformation (DT) project, the Customer Manufacturing Company (End-user) acquired:
- Minimum “paper” documentation in the production process;
- Better understanding of employee utilization;
- More efficient use of machines;
- Ability to identify and optimized weak points, bottleneck, and critical items in the manufacturing process.
Successful implementation increased verified key performance and key result indicators on average by 15%. It has been achievedas by improved throughput and productivity of the production process, as all resources have much better utilization.
Smart metering: CEELABS
CEELABS s.r.o., (Spin-Off” SME) https://merito.tech – Research and development in the field of smart metering and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Implementation of customized IoT based power meter for households and companies with cloud-based analytics.
Active client / customers (technology end-users):
Companies from energy sector:
- Eastern Slovak distribution company, http://vsds.sk
- Applied Precision Ltd./SME, https://www.appliedp.com
Companies from telecommunication sectors: –
- Towercom, a.s. (National DVB-T provider), https://towercom.sk/en
- AmiNet, s.r.o. (Local ISP, SME) https://aminet.sk
Client needs (Adapted to all listed customers / clients): Savings in electricity consumptions, cost saving on energy and reduction of CO2. With exact data from smart metering with high granularity there is potential for new services as predictions in maintenance, non-standard situations detections, automatic actions based on pre-defined conditions in power consumption. Investments in smart metering come to them as unnecessary until they meet sanction in case of exceeding the agreed capacity of energy consumption. The introduction of artificial intelligence and machine learning brings a new perspective on information, predicts costs and identifies non-standard changes in the consumption of individual devices.
Specification of needs for the above clients:
- Eastern Slovak Distribution Company: Providing software solutions for gathering data from smart meters within core distribution infrastructure and processing of its data into specified cloud infrastructure for furthers analytics.
- Applied Precision Ltd.: Development of software cloud service and AI for HW kit (Multifunction portable signal source) laboratory meter & power generator).
- Towercom, a.s. (National DVB-T provider): Pilot implementation of smart metering Meri To Base devices and advanced data analytics for base DVB-T stations – detection of anomalies within core infrastructure and failure predictions.
- AmiNet, s.r.o. (Local ISP): Integration of cloud service for monitoring and analysis of energy data for peering centres and local HW (computers, servers and networking devices) infrastructure.
Provided standard solution to meet the client’s needs:
State at the “Technology End-user” customers after transformation:
- Detailed analysis of what is happening in the energy system of the company;
- Mapped potential of savings and real saved resources on equipment operation,
- Protection against exceeding the reserved agreed consumption capacity against the electricity supplier and predicting the occurrence of failures.
With implementation of offered technologies and solutions into traditional operation make possible to primary reduce costs cca 6-15% for CEELABS customers. The customers received further useful information about what is happening in their real-time operation.
Cyber-security technologies for DT: Innovates
Innovates s.r.o. (Start-up, SME), https://innovates.sk/ – Development and deployment cyber-security technologies, processes, and other solutions targeted on introducing new or enhancing security controls. The solutions are applied as an integrated component of digital transformation (DT) for active or developing CPS/ IoT manufacturing systems, or in supporting services.
Active client/customers / Technology end users:
Agriculture and food area:
Lincoln Premium Poultry Ltd., Industrial Freemont, Nebraska, http://lincolnpremiumpoultry.com/contact/;
ICT in business process services:
DXC (HPE) Business Exchange Services https://www.dxc.technology/business_process_services;
Education sector:
SPSE Prešov (Secondary School of Electrical Engineering in Prešov), http://spse-po.sk/
Client needs (Adapted to all listed customers/clients): Due to the high rate of cyber-attacks and limited visibility about the current security state, companies or public institutions contact Innovates co. assist them in raising security awareness and introducing different metrics to better measure compliance. These activities are also commonly associated with identifying, assessing, and controlling risks in the context of corporate risk management.
Specification of needs for the above clients:
- Lincoln Premium Poultry Ltd., Industrial Freemont, Nebraska: The “green-field” project – establish complete security layers over the production environment in three-building, hatchery, feed mill, and processing plants. The creation of a new user tracking solution for preventing inside threats. Integration with third-party solutions of advanced threat protection.
- DXC (HPE) Business Exchange Services: Development of internal policies and protocols used in internal automated tools. These tools monitor and validate the production environment for configuration compliance. Additionally providing various consulting services for DXC clients for various security-related topics and implementations with these tools.
- SPSE Prešov: Establish WiFi connectivity with multiple layers of user-access levels, using existing user database with self-service portal interconnected with other existing platforms. All in compliance with GDPR directive.
Provided standard solution to meet the client’s needs
Regarding Innovates co., it is ongoing research and development in relevant areas of security and risk delivers advanced and customized solutions for “end/user” customers, focusing in particular on:
- Threats modelling, where we help customers identify critical assets;
- Better visibility about ingress and egress data flows;
- Involving outcomes from data science customers get a better understanding of the sources and direction of threats;
- Ability to track, monitor and validate all connected devices;
- Increasing security prepares companies and their infrastructures for compliance assessment with required directives and standards (GDPR, ISO 2700x …);
- New indicators and metrics can improve overall company operations.
Successful implementation of the Innovates company´s solutions increased, on side of customers, verified key performance and key result indicators on average from 5-to 10 %. The indicated progress is also supported by secure and effective partnerships.
Contact us
e-mail: dih@uvptechnicom.sk
Mail address
Technical University of Kosice
Nemcovej 5
042 00 Košice